Information: Toastmasters Stellenbosch Club

COST PER EVENING: If you are not yet sure whether you'd like to become a member of Toastmasters, please note that you are more than welcome to join our meetings as a guest. This means that you can just relax and observe how things are done - you won't be expected to participate in any of the proceedings, unless of course you would like to join in the fun! The dress code is smart casual and the cost per evening for members and guests alike are R40 per person, which includes a delicious warm buffet meal.
Meetings take place at Benedetto Restaurant in Van Ryneveld Street Stellenbosch. Refer to the map on the website.
FEE: If you are interested in joining our club, please note that the once-off joining fee is US $20, and the fee for a period of six months is US $27 (payable in April and October each year). The correct amount in South African Rands will be determined by the current exchange rate at the time of joining. Please note that the applicable fee will be calculated on a pro rata basis if you decide to join our club after April or October of the respective year.
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